Snow-N-Denises Dellia: A Candidate for the next “Queen of the Breed”

She bred an historic bull in Durham and millionaires like Die-Hard, Million and Altiota. Among her heirs are exceptional breeding cows like Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire and Meadows-LLC BWM Dancia, global cows like Cookiecutter Halo and Hanker, as well as show stars like the Swiss Expo Champion DH Gold Chip Darling. There are enough reasons to put Dellia on the same podium as other once in a lifetime cows like Glenridge Citation Roxy. The face of modern Holstein breeding would surely be different without the first Global Cow winner from 2005. Dellia, the newly crowned winner of the cow family tournament by HI has a great chance of becoming the next “Queen of the Breed.” This article could be considered her letter of application.
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