WEH Josefa, the beautiful and powerful picture cow with this report, is representative of breeding by father Jürgen and son Dennis Hintze. Strong cow families, such as the sizable J...
An animal’s genetic evaluation indicates how its genetics compare to other animals in the breed. Different countries use different approaches when determining which animals should be in that base group...
Herd reports
Herd reports
Herd reports
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Cow Families
Cow Families
Herd reports
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Pineland Farms in the northeastern American state of Maine is home to one of the oldest registered Holstein herds in the US, founded in 1881 by the Merrill family. In...
Lydia is the fountainhead behind a family that produced 3 Canadian Royal Grand Champions: This is clearly one of the most consistent type transmitting families of the breed. And now...
The first thing that stands out with a visit to Barozzi Holsteins in northern Italy: everything is neat! The yard, the barns, the milking parlour, the office; everything is organized...