October 2023

Cow Families

Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror – The cow that changed the breed

On October 14th, three years ago almost to the day, the career of Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror came to an end at her home on Seagull-Bay Dairy in Idaho after 15...

October 2023


New traits, aligned definitions – The linear description and its increasing international comparability

The chief classifiers from 14 countries met for the first time 33 years ago to come to an agreement on how the conformation traits could be better compared between different...

October 2023


Ingo Schnoor – The population standard keeps improving

Anyone who follows the large breeding programs in Europe should also be keeping track of Phönix, the breeding program founded jointly in 2021 by RUW, RBW, RA, Qnetics, RBB and...

September 2023

Cow Families

Barbabelle: A gift for the grandson and a new miracle weapon from P’tit Coeur

Of course you know about the P’tit Coeur barn of Roger Frossard in the Les Pommerats municipality in Switzerland. You know of him for his outstanding show and breeding cows,...

September 2023

Sires Report

Focus on... September 2023

As usual after one of the three yearly evaluation periods, we are presenting interesting RC sires in our “Focus On” column, top sires that add momentum to both the Holstein...

September 2023


Nosbisch Dispersal The last chapter for one of Europe’s best herds

On the 20th of October, as part of the 10th German Masters Sale organised by Nosbisch Holsteins, an era will end for one of the best breeding barns in Europe,...

August 2023

Cow Families

Cow Country - August 2023

She has an absolutely stunning appearance: Priestland 6877 Master James Rose VG-88, one of the five classified daughters of Golden-Oaks Master at Priestland Holsteins in Northern Ireland. Just as her...

August 2023

Cow Families

WEL Wembley – A sensational find that deserves attention

For a long time, the W family, which was developed in the herd of Martin and Heinrich Welsing near Bocholt in western Germany, was a hard working free-stall family dotted...

August 2023

Sires Report

Focus on... August 2023

With the increasing temperatures in almost all countries around the world, it is inevitable that man and animal must adapt to a permanently changing climate. And naturally, Holstein breeding is...

July 2023

Sires Report

Foucs on... July 2023

Dans le monde entier, le nombre de vaches traites par des moyens robotisés augmente. Que cela modifie ce que l’on demande aux vaches est une conséquence logique, dans laquelle principalement...

July 2023

Sires Report

Ranger Red: The red high achiever and the huge potential of his sons

In April 2021 the star rose of a bull who was to revolutionize breeding. 3Star OH Ranger-Red, the Rubels son from the already-now legendary bull dam Lakeside Ups Red Range,...

July 2023

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires DNA - July 2023

He is the first Cartoon son to take to the field in Germany with such high breeding values. He is the Nr.5 of all polled bulls and the Nr.2 of...