(Virtually) Faultless Transmitters: Selected for You by Nearly All AI Companies World-wide

What is the value of a top bull with 3200 TPI if he transmits very short teats? What are the options for a sky high RZG sire if the stature is extremely high? What can users do with a 4000 LPI bull if the somatic cell count is very high? That was the theme of HI’s editorial 10/2022, in which we concluded: for the vast majority of dairy farmers world-wide, bulls with a virtually faultless transmitting pattern are more practical than sires with the very highest indexes when these display disturbing faults. Also significant: today, the number of traits known for a sire are greater than ever, so: we soon find a weakness. During our editorial, we promised to present an overview of (virtually) faultless sires. We have done this by asking the owners themselves. In this article, nearly all AI companies from around the world present their virtually faultless or “easy-to-use” sires. In other words: a rich, global offering for you as an HI reader!
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