The Ultimate Male “Personification” of the Roxy Genes: Woodcrest King Doc

‘He is extremely popular,’ reported Rick VerBeek in 2018 about the then 3-year-old sire Woodcrest King Doc. Absolutely nothing has changed, confirms Verbeek’s colleague Jeff Ziegler today. Every dose that Doc produces is sold, there is still a waiting list, and that while he is very good semen producer. No wonder he is the absolute bestseller at the AI giant Select Sires in Ohio, US. Recently HI was able to photograph the precisely 6-year-old bull at Select Sires. For the occasion, his proud caregivers were able to present him in top condition: Reason enough for HI to compile an extensive King Doc document. To that end, two months ago we invited HI readers to send in pictures of their Doc daughters, with the promise: the pictures of the first eight submissions would appear in our report. And now it is time: King Doc and his daughters! But of course, we also want to shed light on several notable sons and grandsons.
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