For dairy and beef production in Europe, the primary question is no longer if and how enough milk and beef can be produced to feed the population, but rather how ecologically and economically it can be done.
Dr. Michael Neumayer & Jacques Bernard
After a time when the only focus was producing more and cheaper, consumers are thinking about how and by what means that end is achieved. This increases the challenges faced by producers and decreases the margins. Additionally, there are the wishes of the various interest groups, which have led to a clear division in the market. To date, the approach for profitability has been (quantity x price) – (fixed + variable costs) = profit. As the price is fixed in many countries and cannot be directly influenced, for a long time the only possibility to increase milk sales was through an increase in herd size. “Grow or give way!” seemed to be the only alternative. Today, the question arises as to whether the efficiency of milk and beef production can be increased, and if yes, how? While the focus had been on quantity for a long time, the focus in cattle farming today is more and more on efficiency. To guarantee this on a sustained basis, outstanding rumen function must be established. It is no longer only about rumen and metabolic diseases, but more so about the overall situation in the rumen so that it doesn’t get to a disease endpoint. In this, microbiomes, which have a large biodiversity in both the rumen and the gut, play a central role. The microbiomes are constructed through various microorganisms which have diverse nutritional needs to stay alive and continue developing. This is why it is so important to keep feeding as consistent as possible. This is the only way that the diverse microbiomes can carry out their function day after day to generate high production with optimal health. To maintain a stable microbiomes, support repair processes in the gut and accelerate healing in damaged tissue and modulate reaction to infections, the natural Hokovit micronutrients can be very effective. In every critical phase of a cow’s life, whether it be the dry period, the transition phase or during the lactation, the profitability of that animal can be improved significantly. Even for calves directly after birth, during weaning and for an increased growth rate, the feed supplements Hokovit DAIRY PRO, CALVICOL, HOKOSTAR, CALVISTART, PROSAN, SUPER HEIFER GUARD, or OPTIBEEF for beef cattle, can be used to successfully stabilise the microbiomes, keep the gut sealed, or in the case of ‘leaky gut’, modulate the infections and accelerate the healing process. The natural Hokovit micronutrients, developed by animal feed specialist Hofmann Nutrition AG of Switzerland over the last 4 decades, ensure a favourable gut microbiota. Hokovit micronutrients promote biodiversity in the rumen and gut. In the rumen, they work to increase production of volatile fatty acids; in the gut, through a better balance and strengthening of commensal flora. This makes gut colonization by pathogenic bacteria much more difficult. Hokovit micronutrients support the development of ruminal villi. They promote faster absorption of volatile fatty acids and a more stable rumen pH. Gut integrity is improved because the goblet cells produce more protective mucous and thereby help prevent leaky gut. This reduces the costs associated with leaky gut because the immune system is under less stress. This allows the immune system to be more effective where it is otherwise needed. Additionally, the stress on the most important organs is decreased, particularly the liver which is the primary organ of detoxification. Through quicker cell division, cells that are no longer intact are broken down at a higher rate (apoptosis), and the organism is rejuvenated, the useful life may be extended while liver and gut cells operate with fewer disruptions.
‘Natural Hokovit micronutrients promote a favourable gut microbiota’
Profitability is primarily dependent on the prevention of consequences from daily problems. Unfortunately, one cannot always keep animals away from them. The natural Hokovit micronutrients promote the use of nutrients and thereby improve feed efficiency. With the combination of adequate feeding strategies AND Hokovit micronutrients, significant gains for efficiency and performance can be realised in the field for all animals and types of production.