Mooijman Holsteins in the Netherlands: 10% (!) of Milking Cows Above 100,000 kg/220,000 lb.


With the last milk production recording (June 2020), Ton and Wim Mooijman in the province of Groningen (northern Netherlands) had seven cows pass the milestone of 100,000 kg/220,000 lb. at one time. The total number of living cows with 100,000 kg in the herd thus rose to 15, which accounts for 10% of the total milking herd! And that is not the only achievement that makes Mooijman Holsteins intriguing; with 14,970 kg/33,000 lb. 3.68% 3.36%, they are among the top-3 production farms in the Netherlands. And: the herd is nearly entirely homebred, without the contribution of young DNA sires.

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