Natual, Techna’s natural health and nutrition offer, has been building and demonstrating the technical, economic and societal benefits of the METRABOL bolus for over 15 years. What are the keys to the success of this unique concept? Explanations
Julien Redor, Gaspard Valdenaire, Olga Noël & Florian Moreau
Dairy cows have to face with an immune gap and systemic inflammation during the peripartum period. Even without complications, calving weakens the reproductive system, the mucous membranes and the microbiota.
The process of returning this key organ to a functional state is not an easy one. It can take a long time, and has a direct impact on the health and performance of the cow and the profitability of the herd.
METRABOL has been developed to support and naturally accompany the process of returning the reproductive system to its functional state.
Its bolus form makes it easy to use. Systematic application to all cows at calving is a guarantee of peace of mind for farmers. This optimises their technical and economic performance.

Diagram illustrating the 4 components of METRABOL released in the animal’s rumen during 21 days.
Numerous trials on dairy cows over the last 15 years have demonstrated the benefits of METRABOL. In the days following calving, its use halves the number of cows suffering from fever. This positive impact on animal health has also been noted by user farmers:
‘’At our farm, every cow receives METRABOL after calving, so she starts lactation in better shape, eats better and we no longer have any uterine discharge.’’
Sarah Eiffert 100 cows, Hesse – Germany
The improved health seen following the use of METRABOL means that fewer antibiotics are needed on the farm: ‘’Since I’ve started using Metrabol, I’ve used fewer antibiotics when monitoring reproduction. ‘’ Dr Kranjec Ferenc, Reprovet – Hungary
At 30 days, during the reproduction follow-up, it was also shown that with METRABOL the number of cows with good involution and coming into heat was 22% higher. The repercussions are then directly visible in the breeding results:
“We immediately noticed changes when we started using METRABOL systematically! The time and drugs needed were reduced and the preg rate increased by 6 points.”
Danilo Waclawek, AG Stove, 600 cows, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – Germany
The systematic use of METRABOL on the calving interval of the herd shows a decrease of 6.4 days according to the latest cohort study carried out on nearly 40,000 cows and presented in the December’s 2023 issue of Holstein International.

In addition to reducing the calving-to-calving interval, the study also demonstrated that the systematic use of METRABOL saves more than 8€ per cow on the farm. This return on investment for the herd as a whole, is more than 2.5 times greater than if METRABOL was used on an individual basis in response to an identified problem. These results demonstrate the value of using METRABOL even in situations where there is no sign of any reproductive problems.
For cows:
- Improved well-being: lower temperature linked to reduced uterine inflammation
- Decrease in antibiotic resistance: reduced use of antibiotics
- Optimized reproductive capacity: Faster return to a functional state of the reproductive system
For farmers:
- Greater peace of mind: less intervention on the cows
- Greater working comfort: easy to use and improved heat detection
- Increased economic performance: + €8.6 per cow (French market estimation)
For other reproductive care providers:
- Easier management: simpler than hormonal and antibiotic programs
- Efficiency: increase in the number of pregnant cows
- Advice: Improved quality of service provided in the context of reproductive monitoring
Would you like to find out more about optimizing your breeding and using METRABOL? Techna Natual invites you to a conference at Eurotier 2024.
To register, scan the QR code below:

Please note that the seats are limited.
For more information, please contact your local contacts:
- PRENA +49 (0) 06652-9829115
- LGC +41 (0) 26 913 79 84
- FABROCA +32 (0) 496 35 31 93
- MATTIA MOTTA +39 (0) 333 347 4852
- TECHNA NATUAL +33 (0) 2 41 69 47 71 (France & other countries)