Ladina’s Life Story, or:How Holsteins Came to Northern Italy

Widely known: in Italy, there is a lot of passion for Holsteins. A whole lot. This is likely the result of the early arrival of purebred Holsteins in the country. Italy is namely one of the countries in Europe where Holsteins arrived first – much earlier than in other countries. For example, the bull Carnation Producer (originating from the well-known Carnation Farms in the US) served already in 1933 in the Torrimpietra herd close to Rome. There, around Rome, Holsteins first arrived in Italy. Much later, they came to the Po Valley, the most prominent dairy region in Italy. The Ladina family played a key role in the arrival of Holsteins in the Po Valley. HI spoke extensively with brothers Ercole and Marcello Ladina – here is their unique story, in two parts.
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