Here is #4 of the most influential breeders of the past 25 years: De-Su!


Here we are! We have arrived at the top-4, and thus the quartet of HI reader’s highest ranking breeders during the last 25 years. In this HI issue, we announce number four… and likely no one is surprised that this position is claimed by De-Su Holsteins, the breeding enterprise of the Meyer family in the American state of Iowa. Especially during the past 10 years, the De-Su prefix has intensively dominated global Holstein breeding; elsewhere in this article we will mention their numerous bulls. When HI published an extensive report about De-Su in December 2012 – 5 pages long – we received responses for several months thereafter; all over the world, people were impressed with Darin Meyer’s strategy. We called him the “king of genomics”, because he made use of the genomics concept so quickly and effectively. The title is still fitting.

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