He was Born 100 Years Ago:JRAP, likely the most influential bull in the Holstein breed (1)

A truism in modern Holstein breeding: Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation and Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief are the most influential foundation sires of the Holstein breed. When this duo was nominated in 1999 for HI’s ”Holsteins of the Century” competition (which Elevation won), of Chief, it was said: ”His pedigree bulges with Rag Apple blood lines”. While for Elevation, it was stated: “His dam Eve traces 20x back to Johanna Rag Apple Pabst”. Clearly, via his descendants Elevation and Chief, Johanna Rag Apple Pabst is one of the most central transmitters that we find at the foundation of the Holstein breed. Every reason then for a portrait of this bull, who was born 100 years ago and in his time was a true legend.
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