Gaec du Terril: Using the Right Bulls for Optimal Genetics on their Organic Farm


Suddenly he appeared: Oxterril. With +218 gISU (index release 4/2019) one of the very highest in the French index round. With a relatively unknown sire (Surgeon, more about him later) and a virtually unknown maternal line. However, definitely not unknown to the breeders of the bull, Gilles and Hervé Guerin! This maternal line has performed splendidly for years on the dairy where the Guerins are the third generation to manage this farm. And the cow family? It has already been active for 13 generations in the Du Terril herd. Or… in the Du Terril barn? No, primarily in the pastures around the barn, because weather permitting, they pasture 10 months a year here. Travel along with us to the southern part of Brittany.

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