Agrar Auligk – The potential to use superior genetics even more consistently!

Do you remember SHA Rubicon Grumeti VG-85? Just in December past, the dam of Germany’s Nr.1, SHA Foreman, and several other well-placed top sires, she generated enough attention for us to give her a two-page feature. However, at our visit over half year ago it was not only Grumeti’s incredible breeding achievements which captured out attention. Another thing that impressed us equally was her home with almost 1,000 cows and, of course, her breeder Bernd Barfuß, a special personality and a particular expert of the scene. So, it was already clear to us in December: we have to come back here. And now we have it, a report about the Agrar Auligk GmbH, the home of Grumeti and much more.
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