January 2025
VDR Holsteins: Home of the Especially Complete and Popular Sandra Family
It is likely that precisely this month she will pass the milestone of 10,000 kg/22,000 lb fat & protein. The ten-year-old VDR Sandra 2 EX-92 (<Malki) thus provides ultimate proof that she combines all of the qualities th...
MoreHerds Worldwide - January 2025
‘My breeding goal has not changed much throughout my career. I still appreciate functional cows that can last a long time and look good. Every morning I need to get up early to do the milking, and then the cows need to l...
MoreLambrecht Dairy in Wisconsin: Top Quality Forages Lead to Exceptional Components
The 320-cow herd at Lambrecht Dairy is currently averaging 92lb/42kg at 4.8% fat and 3.4% protein on twice daily milking. Located at Kewaunee, about 2½ hours north-east of Madison, the herd of 300 Holsteins and 20 Brown...
MoreCavanaleck in Canada: We now Put More Emphasis on Front Legs than any of the Rear Leg Traits
The Thompson family’s Cavanaleck Holsteins have long been a fixture on the Holstein scene in Western Ontario. The three-time Master Breeder herd continues to be a force in modern Holstein breeding. Cavanaleck is the name...
MoreRudolph Son Ramos: The Most Influential Holstein Bull on German Soil?
He was still from the old school, Ramos. First he was sampled as a young bull, so that five years after his birth, more than 100 daughters indicated his performance level. They did this surprisingly well, those first hun...
MoreFocus on... Calving-Ease
The ABS bull Leeds is a high production bull with good productive life… and is a calving-ease specialist too. Leeds now has a list of young sons entering service at ABS. Sired by Sandy-Valley Laker (<Acura), Leeds is out...
MoreBullTalk - January 2025
‘I have always admired OCD Planet Diamond EX-92, as she has developed such a tremendously positive influence at Claynook in Canada. In 2017, I was at Claynook and wanted to purchase embryos from the Zip family, from whic...
MoreCow Country - January 2025
Normandy, in the central west of France, is home to Gaec de la Chapelle, where Piet and Christina Bakker milk a herd of 75 cows. That’s where we pictured one of the stars of the herd, the 12-year-old La Chapelle Hill Vit...
MoreSingle-Step Evaluations:Now Being Implemented in a Growing Number of Countries.
When genomics first arrived 15 years ago, it was impractical to include the genotypes directly into the genetic evaluation model due to the massive size of the data set involved with the Holstein breed. Instead, an appro...
MoreSunshine Genetics in Wisconsin: Exporting Embryos to the World
Sunshine Genetics has a long history as the leading embryo transfer facility in America’s dairy-land of Wisconsin. Established in the 1970s, Sunshine Genetics has made the exporting of embryos a large part of their busin...
MoreVote for your Red Holstein World Champion 2024
Another year has gone by and our selection for World Champion of the Red Holstein breed is set to begin. We will present 12 exciting candidates from 8 countries. Enjoy the sight of these impressive show champions choose...
MoreHow the Most Popular Cow in the World was Discovered… ...and Came into the Global Limelight at Mil-R-Mor Farm
Of course she has formidable competition, for example from Dellia, Laurie Sheik, and other female Holstein legends. But: nevertheless, Glenridge Citation Roxy still graciously carries the “Queen of the Breed” title: And...
MoreUsing Selection to Reduce the Incidence of Crampiness
Discovering that a favourite cow has become crampy is a frustration that many breeders have felt. Lactanet in Canada conducted the research to find out the best way to deal with this condition that affects 4.7% of cows.