STg General Manager Juan Moreno:‘Our Industry Made a Significant Mistake!’

For most dairy farms, sexed semen has become an indispensable instrument in management. A driving force behind the global rise of sexed semen is Sexing Technologies. But: ST did not limit itself to sexed semen. Via the purchase of the AI organizations Trans-World Genetics (TWG), Taurus, TAG, Cogent and Inseme, they launched themselves broadly into the breeding market. With outstanding results: STg’s oldest sires, Rubicon and Delta (both nearly eleven years old), are still popular today. This duo was followed by progeny proven stars like Charl, Chief, Delta-Lambda and Captain. Thanks to them, STg remained in the news… and recently that happened again, when the fusion with the American AI giant Select Sires was announced. This merger, unexpected by many, is part of our interview with STg General Manager Juan Moreno, who actually has a lot more news.

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