Out of the shadow: Wessing and Hayes, breeders of Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy


The likelihood is great that she is the world’s most influential Holstein cow of all time: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy. In 2014, she was selected as the Global Cow in HI, after ending up in second place in 2012 and 2013. In their evaluation as judges, Ryan Starkenburg (ABS) and Hartwig Meinikmann (RUW) were very impressed with Missy. We will name just four of the numerous bulls that were mentioned at the time in praise of Missy’s influence: Mogul, Supersire, Silver and Balisto. In the meantime, of course, that group has grown exponentially, which justifies the following question: has any other cow family provided more influential bulls? Rudy Missy may then be called the most powerful cow of the Holstein breed. And while we have had regular contact with her owners, the Steiner family from Pine-Tree, Missy’s breeders never came on the radar. Now we are changing that. After all, their contribution to the Holstein breed in the year 2019 is immense!

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