How the Most Popular Cow in the World was Discovered… ...and Came into the Global Limelight at Mil-R-Mor Farm

Of course she has formidable competition, for example from Dellia, Laurie Sheik, and other female Holstein legends. But: nevertheless, Glenridge Citation Roxy still graciously carries the “Queen of the Breed” title: And is likely the most popular cow of the Holstein breed, with descendants on (nearly) all continents. Roxy’s rise to this status can in large measure be attributed to her discovery by Bob Miller, the multi-talented Holstein enthusiast from Mil-R-Mor Farm in Illinois. If Miller had not become enamoured with Roxy during a photo session, her influence would most likely have remained limited to the far away Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Yes, that is a special story about which we spoke extensively with Roxy discoverer Miller.

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