Here is #10 of the most influential breeders during the past 25 years: Pine-Tree!


The votes have been counted. That took much longer than we had expected. Never before in HI’s 25 years of existence has a competition drawn so much participation. The steady stream of voting cards continued for a long time – and every card meant significant points, points for the 100 breeders who are candidates in HI’s unique competition: Who are the most influential breeders from the past 25 years? All 100 candidates were published in HI’s recent January issue – complete with a voting card. Subsequently a storm of enthusiastic responses and an unparalleled stream of voting cards followed, by mail and digitally. As mentioned: all of the votes have now been counted. The results are known. And now each month, we will feature one of the ten that ended up highest. Here we begin, with number ten: Pine-Tree!

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