Here is #1 of the most influential breeders of the past 25 years: Comestar Holsteins


Bronze for Hanover-Hill. Silver for Regancrest. And now, in this December issue of HI, follows the gold medal: for Comestar Holsteins in Quebec, Canada! Is it a coincidence that gold goes to the herd with the most millionaires world-wide? No, to the contrary. With its four millionaires (including one super-millionaire, Comestar Lee) Comestar has impacted dairy farms the world over. Remarkable: all four descend from the same cow – Comestar Laurie Sheik. Also via the female line, she exerts a large influence on our planet. Here is the herd that was selected by HI readers world-wide as the most influential breeder during the past 25 years: Comestar!

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