Hanoverhill Starbuck: No More Glendell in the Tank, Then Elevation It Is. Almost Too Late...

A few months ago, the American “black beauty” To-Mar Blackstar appeared in HI: 09/2024. Born in 1983 and one of the top-20 most influential bulls in the Holstein breed. Four years earlier, the sire Hanoverhill Starbuck was born in Canada. He can be seen as the “Canadian rival” of Blackstar. They both provided tremendous show cows, and both made a tremendous genetic contribution to the breed. Starbuck reaches even higher for the most influential Holstein sires ever: he is in the top-15. As such, it is now time to look back at Starbuck, the bull for whom the AI general manager really had to lay his hand over his heart in order to still give him an AI opportunity.
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