Complete Cows are the Big Attraction at Al.Ce Holsteins in Italy

One of Italy’s highest type bulls is Al.Ce Sneaker, with +2.52 for tipo: And no less than +3.92 for udders – one of the highest scores ever in Italy. The dam of this Meridian son is Al.Ce Atwood Samuela EX-93, who will turn 10 years old in March. One of Italy’s “recent” Grand Champions is Al.Ce Doorman Ellen EX-94. She was triumphant in November 2019, but shortly thereafter corona caused the show season to come to a grinding halt. Sneaker, Samuela, Ellen… each of them representing elite type. Their breeders, the Cerri family, however finds it especially important that their stars are complete. That is the main reason why each year dozens of Al.Ce milking cows are purchased by other dairy farmers.
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