
August 2017
Océanie: One of Europe’s Premier Red families

Production, longevity and type: It is hard to find a breeder who isn’t interested in at least one of these traits – and it is even harder to find a cow family that can excel in all three… Introducing the La Waebera Glaci...

July 2019
Cow Country - July 2019

With 2111 TPI, Niclo O-Man Debbie VG-87 (born 2004) is one of the very highest American index cows from her birth year. The O-Man owned by the Nichols and Longshore families in South Carolina intrigues as the grand-dam o...

July 2019
Cow Country - July 2019

After their herd dispersal sale in April, the only milking cows the Irish Sinnott family kept were their homebred dam and daughter pair – Ballyboy Goldwyn Carmen VG and Sid Carmen VG-88-3yr. The Carmens symbolise the Bal...

July 2019
Intriguing Sires - Balic & Bandicoot & Duke

‘Our dairy farmers appreciate Balic and are using him again as a progeny proven bull,’ states Mathias Poferl from Rinderzucht Baden-Württemberg (RBW). ‘Also in his DNA period, Balic was already very popular, so that ther...

July 2019
Focus on.. Eyecatcher

The breeding values for conformation are among the best the breed has to offer, but that is not the reason why we are presenting these four bulls. The quality of this quartet is not based on numbers but on the feedback f...

July 2019
Intriguing Sires - July 2019

Giordano is the new Nr.1 DNA-proven bull in Italy and combines solid production (+1330kg milk) with high components (+.50%f +.24%p) and is the highest rated bull for udders in the top-10 at 2.93. He is sired by Westcoast...

July 2019
Bull Talk - July 2019

Salvatore dominates for the red & white sire of sons, but in his wake we find Endco Apprentice RC, a Kingboy son of Blondin-TJR Supersire Aroma VG-85. Apprentice is not only the sire of Westcoast Swingman-Red (nr.1 in Ca...

July 2019
El Grillo: 650 Holstein Cows in Uruguay

With this photo page we arrive in Uruguay, South America: Or more specifically in Sarandi Grande in the Florida Department, 140 km north of Uruguay’s capital of Montevideo. We arrive on the farm of Jose Gurgitano and his...

July 2019
Rinderzucht Kaack - Strong Performing D Family Provides Three Sires in the German Top-4

Murano (150 RZG), Morgan (148 RZG) and Masato (147 RZG) occupy 3 of the top-4 positions on the German progeny proven index list. They are three Mogul sons of one and the same Man-O-Man daughter: KAX Debita. A threefold r...

July 2019
Riverdown in Canada: Home of Unstopabull and Incredibull

Unstopabull and Incredibull – the two high-type red bulls have been giving the Riverdown name a presence on the international Holstein scene over recent years. This month we take you on a visit to this modern, efficient...

July 2019
Here is #6 of the most influential breeders of the past 25 years: Sandy-Valley!

Spectacular! We have not yet started with the top-5 of our competition and now already we come across real heavyweights… en route to the absolute Nr.1, which will be revealed in December. But now already, it is time for...

July 2019
Savage-Leigh: Striving to Breed Cows that are every Dairy Person’s Dream!

A multi-faceted operation with many interesting features, join us as we visit the American Savage-Leigh herd where two very different operations work harmoniously under the same prefix. And more: Discover the secrets beh...

July 2019
Natural: Independent and Multifaceted Source of Elite Czech Genetics

Since the recent April release, Natural is the proud owner of the two highest Czech Holstein bulls: Zetor and Zologram-P, while their colleague Attila also shines in the top-5. On the progeny proven list, Natural is repr...

July 2019
Worldwide breeding index 2019: Focus on fat, new traits and additional indexes

Several years have passed since the last calculation of the worldwide breeding index (2013), which Holstein International did regularly since 1996. Enough time, which national breeding associations and other organization...

October 2017
Electronic Cow-Management: Trust the Data and Breed the Cow as the System Recommends. It Works!

As herds get larger and livestock handling systems become more mechanized, time spent on heat detection for each individual cow continues to dwindle. However, next to top nutrition and elite genetics, getting cows to rep...
