
October 2021
Mirand-PP-RC: Providing an ­Impulse to Polled Breeding Worldwide

For dairy producers the world over the task of de-horning calves is not very appealing…and it likely doesn’t appeal to the calves either! Over recent years there have been giant strides in the competitiveness of the top...

October 2021
Cow Country II - October 2021

The bull Bosside Rubel Rebel-Red (2808 gTPI) is out of Bosside Seasaw Abby (Seasaw-Gatedancer-Megasire) who is a top-20 TPI red or red-carrier cow in the US. ‘We purchased the Megasire at the first Applemania Sale in 201...

October 2021
Cow Country I - October 2021

Weenarda Farms (Ontario) is one of the twenty highest index farms in Canada. Notable: all animals on this farm with 52 milking cows have homebred pedigrees. ‘Early on, my parents gave me the responsibility for breeding....

October 2021
Yan Jacobs: ‘A Good Cow Can Go Anywhere – That’s Why I Like the Britany Family’

Ferme Jacobs: There isn’t a more famous herd in the world for show-winning type. Only a handful of people can say they have bred a World Dairy Expo or Royal Winter Fair Grand Champion, but the Jacobs family from Quebec,...

October 2021
HI’s Cow Family Tournament: Here are Numbers 6 & 5!

In September’s HI, you already became well acquainted with nr. 10, 9, 8 and 7 of HI’s unique Cow Family Tournament. And this time, we count down further, to 6 and 5… In November’s HI, you may anticipate the families whic...

October 2021
He was Born 100 Years Ago:JRAP, likely the most influential bull in the Holstein breed (1)

A truism in modern Holstein breeding: Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation and Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief are the most influential foundation sires of the Holstein breed. When this duo was nominated in 1999 for HI’s ”Holsteins o...

October 2021
Cow Family Tournament: Responses from the Breeders

In HI’s September issue, you were able to become well-acquainted with the families that placed 10, 9, 8 and 7 in HI’s Cow Family Tournament. Now it is time for up-to-date responses from the breeders about these special c...

October 2021
Josef Pott: Why Arcowin is not a forced, but rather a logical step into the future

When Arcowin officially begins its work on January 1st, 2022, it will not only be the structures in the areas of the breeding program, research and development at the three equal business partners Masterrind, Evolution (...

October 2021
Focus on... October 2021

When the Dutch company CRV asked its international distributors a few weeks ago which sires would generate the most demand in the coming months, Powerlift-RC (Abundant-Adorable-Loptimum) from the Cosmopolitans stood well...

September 2021
Audrey Posch: This is the Multi-talented Brood Cow who Started the World’s Longest Chain of EX Generations

For many HI readers, the name Audrey Posch will be familiar, even though she was born 84 years ago. Audrey is namely the foundation cow of the cow family with the most successive generations of EX in a row. Currently thi...

October 2021
Chart Toppers: The Highest Indexing Females of the US

In modern breeding the chart toppers of the elite females of the breed have become more valuable than ever. Extreme prices are being paid for the truly elite animals while those a little further down the rankings now att...

September 2021
HI’s Cow Family Tournament: Here are Numbers 10, 9, 8 and 7!

After two preliminary rounds in March and April, and the grand finale in June’s HI, the project of 2021 – HI’s unique Cow Family Tournament – has notably gained momentum. In the meantime, the votes of the judges have bee...

September 2021
Crampiness: Can it be Eradicated from the Holstein Breed?

The disappointment of discovering that a favourite cow has become crampy is a frustration many breeders have felt. The possibility that this condition may be becoming more prevalent has led many breeders to voice their c...

September 2021
New Zealand’s objective: Animals whose progeny will be the most efficient converters of feed into farmer profit

Low cost milk production from pasture grazing has contributed to New Zealand becoming the world’s leading dairy export nation. Management practices and genetic selection programs aimed at maximizing efficiency of product...

September 2021
Poppe Holsteins: Source of ­High-Testing Sires with a Clear Message

Poppe Snow-RC symbolizes the successful introduction of Poppe Holsteins in the European bull market. Now, a decade later, Poppe sires like San Remo, Sanchez-P, Freestyle and the German leader Flight-Red are among the att...
