
December 2021
Intruiging Sires DP - December 2021

‘For the past few years, there are a number of dairy plants in Spain that only process A2A2 milk. As such, sires with A2A2 are in higher demand here,’ says Jordi Farré Rebull from Aberekin. The most sold progeny proven b...

December 2021
From An American Dairyman: Suggestions for Sire Selection

An American Dairyman continues his series of contributions for Holstein International and now brings some interesting suggestions for sire selection. He also adds some actual sire names to his suggestions – all based on...

December 2021
Luster-P - The best and most reliable polled sire in the world

Admittedly, to choose a headline that so clearly defines the category of the sire featured is a bold move. But for Luster, the current Nr.1 for daughter-proven polled sires in the USA, we are willing to take the risk. Th...

December 2021
Simon-P: Vital Link Between his Unsurpassed Sire Semino and the Holstein Breed

On the right you see one of the most popular polled transmitters and sires of sons from Germany: Simon-P! Together with his sons Sampler-PP (left) and Signal-P (middle). In a moment, more about these two sons, as we will...

December 2021
Focus on their Background: Italy’s Champions, Two Special Breeding Stories

In early November, in the northern Italian city of Montichiari, Italy’s National Holstein Show took place. All results are included at the bottom of this page. Remarkable are the stories behind both the National Champion...

December 2021
Puckeroro Worthy Coralie: Foundation of a Great New Zealand Cow Family

Born in 1958, Coralie established a family that has provided numerous successful AI bulls, produced a number of multi-generational EX branches to the family, and has made a prominent contribution to various herds across...

December 2021
Cow Family Tournament: Responses from the Breeders

In November’s HI, you could become extensively acquainted with Nr.4 and Nr.3 of HI’s Global Cow Family Tournament: Braedale Gypsy Grand and Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy. On this page, you find the responses of the breeders beh...

December 2021
HI’s Cow Family Tournament: Here are the highest ranking, numbers 2 & 1!

In the HI issues of September, October, and November, the excitement continued to rise; in the meantime, you have become acquainted with numbers 3 through 10. Now follows the absolute apotheosis: the unveiling of the two...

December 2021
Cow Country II - December 2021

Solomon sired the Reserve Champion at the World Dairy Expo this year, the 4-year-old Oakfield Footloose, a rising superstar of the show world. Another Solomon daughter in the news is Avonlea Solomon Victory who topped th...

December 2021
Using Milk for Pregnancy Detection

Knowing if a cow is open or pregnant plays a vital role in effectively managing your herd, but how do you detect pregnancies? In this management article we focus on pregnancy detection through milk analysis.

December 2021
Lakeside UPS Red Range: Most Influential Bull Dam World-wide Wins 15th Red Impact Title!

In HI’s July issue, she was described as one of the world’s most influential bull dams. Lakeside UPS Red Range, the dam of sixteen young AI sons, including the Canadian gLPI leader Ranger-Red, was one of the favorites to...

December 2021
Beef-on-Dairy Programs: Intermizoo & KI Samen

The surge in use of beef bulls on lower genetic merit dairy cows continues to grow, and part of the evolution in this market is the use of male sexed beef semen. This month we introduce Intermizoo from Italy and KI Samen...

December 2021
Focus on... December 2021

In this spot in the last issue of HI you were able to read about several of the best genomic conformation sires in the breed. And, as promised in November, we now follow with four more conformation specialists. The diffe...

December 2021
Bull Talk - December 2021

‘He is very popular due to his high components, A2A2, unique aAa (516), average stature, low somatic cell, high udder index and plus for DPR,’ explains general manager Ron Sersland about why Leaninghouse Speak-Up (2790 g...

December 2021
EDG Rubicon: The World’s Highest Mogul Son Remains Popular

What follows is not only the story about the world’s highest Mogul son. It is also the story about his special dam and maternal line: Ruby and the Dellias. As well as the story about breeding expertise and passion. And t...
