
April 2022
Gywer-RC: Successful Sire of Sons for Red and Black & White

With six sons, Gywer-RC was the main source in the overview of bestselling Holstein sires world-wide (HI 3/2022), while with five sons he is also prominent in the list of the world’s most popular Red Holstein sires (else...

April 2022
Intriguing Sires Best Sellers 2021 - April 2022

Last year, Adissio-PP was the most sold Holstein sire at Qnetics (partner in Phönix), and that is still the case. ‘Because he is homozygote polled and very all-round. And he transmits a bit of an alternative pedigree, wi...

April 2022
Cow Country I - April 2022

The name Paul Mathay is a household one for many fans of the red and white scene within Europe. For decades he has been regularly investing in the best red and white genetics and has been developing them into top animals...

April 2022
The Next Generation

Sommentier. A small village in the Swiss canton of Fribourg, in the western part of Switzerland. Perhaps you have never heard of Sommentier before… but you have certainly heard of two famous Holsteins that were born ther...

March 2022
Hallon Holsteins The ambitious prefix from the West Midlands of Great Britain

The Hallon prefix may not yet be among the big names of the British breeding scene, but the name should certainly be taken note of. The work accomplished by the Tudor family over the last 25 years is really worth seeing....

March 2022
Roc Happy Put Ferme de la Roche on the International Map

‘I certainly did not want to use O-Man. Outstanding for fitness, to be sure, but too modest for conformation.’ That was the opinion of Philippe Guibert. Until he could purchase a package of embryos from Evolution. Includ...

March 2022
Lareleve Canada’s Top Production Herd

For 2021 they broke through the 17,000kg/37,400lb barrier!! Lareleve has a 305-day average of 17,061kg/37,613lb 3.9%f 3.2%p on110 cows. Join us for a visit to Canada’s top production herd.

March 2022
BullTalk - March 2022

One of the remarkable millionaires in the world is Mainstream Manifold, a bull that no one initially expected would become a millionaire. However, he actually developed into one of the most successful – of all 57 million...

March 2022
Intriguing Sires DP - March 2022

‘Capital is a good example of how diverse the market for genetics is. The demands of dairy farmers for a good bull are not always oriented around the same profile and not only around TPI or $NM,’ says Jeff Ziegler when w...

March 2022
Hurtgenlea Yoder Modesto Dominant Bull Dam with Two Sons in the Breed’s Top-25

Mogul son Yoder had a number of successful sons with the most notable including Medley, Achiever and Outsiders. However, Yoder’s biggest impact has come as maternal grand-sire of bulls in the top ranks of the TPI charts....

March 2022
Cow Country II - March 2022

The fact that Templedale Enhancer Rosina 33* had long-term value is proven by her descendant and high LPI sire Silverstream Porter. The legacy of the much used Canadian also lives on in the Northern Irish Ernevale herd (...

March 2022
Beef-on-Dairy Programs: Agri-Gene & RUW

The surge in use of beef bulls on lower genetic merit dairy cows continues to grow, and part of the evolution in this market is the use of male sexed beef semen. This month we introduce RUW in Germany and Agri-Gene from...

March 2022
Holstein Association USA: The Adoption of New Technology is Driving the Breed Forward

“To provide leadership, information, and services to help members and dairy producers worldwide be successful” …that’s the mission statement of the Holstein Association USA. As the largest dairy breed organization worldw...

March 2022
‘No One Knows What the Future Holds; As Such, Genetic Variation Remains Absolutely Essential!’

With 70-90 young sires launched annually, Bayern-Genetik is one of the global Fleckvieh AI giants. Annually, about 1.5 million doses of semen are sold, of which 50% are used in Germany and 50% internationally. Inseminati...

March 2022
Single-Step: Next Generation in Genetic Evaluations

Genomic evaluations first arrived in 2009 and created a revolution in Holstein breeding that more than doubled the rate of genetic gain. Continued refinements and improvements have produced incremental increases in the a...
