
December 2022
Jotan-Red European Trailblazer for the Conformation-Rich Altitudes

Today every Red Holstein or RC bull without an intensive link to Kamps-Hollow Altitude or one of her famous descendants, is embraced as an outcross sire. That is how tremendous the Altitude influence is in the internatio...

December 2022
Focus On... - December 2022

In the past, high milk sires always had the best chances to achieve high overall breeding values. However, the introduction of many further traits has given even average production sires good chances to achieve high over...

December 2022
Cow Country II - December 2022

Two new EX-97 Red Holsteins (Anita Absolute Joline-Red & Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red) as well as six EX-96 Holsteins were recorded by the US herdbook in 2022. One of the most distinguished names in this illustrious group...

December 2022
Miss OCD Delicious: Consistency at the highest level

Almost exactly twelve years ago, Miss OCD Delicious was born and today the former Nr.1 of the breed still scores an impressive 2645 gTPI. For more than a decade now Delicious has been a constant when it comes to high gen...

December 2022
Cow Country - December 2022

With 30 milking cows, De Winkels Holsteins, owned by Henk Jan van Driel, is not large. Nevertheless, the achievements are noteworthy. During the last classification visit, three two-year-olds scored VG-88 and one even VG...

December 2022
Global Dairy Youth Challenge: The Finale!

In February, HI will present the winners. Also read in HI’s February edition about which participants in the four preliminary rounds of the Global Challenge submitted the best rationale for sire selection. These choices...

December 2022
Corn: Sowing the Seed of Success

One of the prime sources of forage for dairy cows around the globe is corn (maize), providing both high fibre and energy for the diet. One of corn’s many advantages is the volume of feed that can be grown from limited av...

December 2022
South Tyrol – A Holstein pearl in the northern Italian Alps

It is more than 60 years ago that dairy farmers in South Tyrol first imported black and white cows from northern Germany. What followed is a development that has still not reached its conclusion as the growth of the Hols...

December 2022
The French Breed INRA-95 was Produced Specifically for Use on Dairy Cows

Good early growth, extra muscularity in the hindquarter, and smaller calves to promote calving-ease; the breeding goals for the INRA-95 have been clear right from the start. This is one of the beef breeds developed espec...

November 2022
Ferme Madec, Bretagne ‘We try to obtain the best, most balanced sires from AI catalogues.’

Nothing is impossible on the farm of the Madec family in Hanvec in the far western part of Brittany, near the Atlantic Ocean. Here bull dams perform – then and now – and elite show cows reach European levels. All present...

November 2022
Pröbstings Arizona: Germany’s Nr.1 and the perfect example for the philosophy of his home barn

He is Germany’s Nr.1 and a highly requested sire of sons, that much is clear. But his outstanding RZG is based on special characteristics. Pröbstings Arizona, the Arrozo son that goes back to Pride Ramos Toward, is, abov...

November 2022
Brigeen Farms: Historic breeders herd with a modern and progressive outlook

‘Cow families are extremely important to us, because we are looking for predictability in breeding results.’ Betsy Bullard from Brigeen Farms attaches great value to the carefully constructed cow families on her modern d...

November 2022
Intriguing Sires DP - November 2022

‘In Switzerland, we are thrilled to have such a high production and fitness bull with correct conformation.’ Jürg Stoll from Swissgenetics is referring to Ewing who (after Ranger-Red) is the highest indexing Red Holstein...

November 2022
Focus on... - November 2022

While the genomic top-lists almost everywhere in the world are increasingly populated with high polled sires, high daughter-proven polled bulls continue to be a rare commodity. This is particularly true for daughter-prov...

November 2022
BullTalk - November 2022

One of the young and enthusiastic dairy farmers and breeders from Canada, without a doubt, is Tony van Lith. His “Valiant” prefix is quickly gaining recognition, also in part due to the success of the young all-rounder V...
