
May 2023
Cow Country - May 2023

Stanton Farms in Ontario has already provided several elite LPI cows. But the achievements of Stantons Bighit Melody-P VG-85 are unprecedented. Her daughter Stantons Margaret is Canada’s Nr.1 for gLPI among all females y...

May 2023
UK Mahala Family: No Notable AI Bulls, But Some Very Impressive Females!

100,000kg/220,462lb milk cows, multiple generations of EX, high genomics and show-stars – a snapshot of the many reasons why the stalwart UK Mahala family continues to remain so popular… Of course we need to investigate...

May 2023
Cow Country II - May 2023

The state of Victoria is the heartland of the Australian dairy industry. In the north of the state at Bamawm is Mitch Holsteins, the 300-cow herd owned by Brent & Kim Mitchell. They recently showed the Grand Champion at...

May 2023
Wabash-Way Emilyann: Now Ranked as Canada’s Nr.7 Brood-Cow All-Time

At 47 stars, Emilyann is now Canada’s 7th ranked brood cow of all-time. Of course, Shottle daughters have become super brood cows all over the world but Emilyann had the added advantage of being from the heart of the gre...

May 2023
Software Meets Dairy Management: Solutions to allow for better decisions!

Take a moment to look back and think about what your situation was like 20 years ago. What technology was available at the time and how would you have solved the challenges you face today back then? Fact of the matter is...

May 2023
The sharp rise of global milk production – New countries and traditional Holstein nations are trying to find their balance

Milk has been consumed in this world for millennia, but never as much as now in the 20th and 21st centuries. And the increase in global milk production seems to be consistently keeping pace. However, traditional Holstein...

May 2023
Mauk-E-Way: Distinguished Young Holstein Breeders

Plymouth is located in the eastern part of Wisconsin; not far from Lake Michigan and 52 miles (85 km) north of Milwaukee. Near Plymouth we find the nice dairy farm owned by the Mauk family, with the fitting name of Mauk-...

April 2023
Holsteins in Honduras: Lots of Passion at Ganaderia El Arrayan

Holsteins in Honduras? We hardly ever hear about that. As such, when we happened to see a picture of a nice Jordan-Red daughter in Honduras, it immediately drew our attention. Honduras is a country with more than ten mil...

April 2023
Unterhofer Holsteins: Striving for the Perfect Cow

She was one of the eye-catchers on the European show scene last winter, won Austria’s national show and represented Italy in the selection for world champion. To say that Jomagro Cheyenne-RC EX-90 is Europe’s most conspi...

April 2023
Baugosse: Remarkable Achievements by Holsteins at an Elevation of 1050m

We are immediately surprised as Silvo Baume tells about the unique climate in the beautiful region around his farm close to Les Breuleux in Switzerland. ‘Here it freezes nearly all twelve months of the year. Yes, also mi...

April 2023
Prominent name from the Holstein industry is preparing for the future: Next Generation at Browndale

With its shiny new state-of-the-art dairy barn complete with sand-bedded free-stalls for the 100-cow herd, 2 milking robots, an on-farm produce store, elevated viewing area and function rooms, Browndale is preparing for...

April 2023
Focus on... April 2023

While simultaneous improvement for production and fertility has been difficult to come by over the last decades, breeding has made the antagonism between these two traits a thing of the past. Although bulls that improve...

April 2023
BullTalk - April 2023

The accompanying table shows the top selling sires at ABS Global in China. Gary Gao from ABS China explains: ‘From all three, more than 30,000 doses (sexed and conventional) have been sold. Generally speaking, dairy farm...

April 2023
Mr Salvatore RC: Transformer of the Global Red Holstein Population

His early daughters – by now in their fourth lactation – have already produced 60,000 kg/130,000 lb milk. And in the meantime, his breeding influence in the international Red Holstein population is visibly growing, even...

April 2023
Intriguing Sires DNA - April 2023

In order to register any young bull in Canada a genomic test is required. The Dickieson family of Birkentree Holsteins at North Rustico, Prince Edward Island, wanted to register a young herd bull so they sent away the re...
