
March 2025
Genetic Base Change: Updating the Standard to Reflect the Current Breed Population

An animal’s genetic evaluation indicates how its genetics compare to other animals in the breed. Different countries use different approaches when determining which animals should be in that base group for comparison pur...

February 2025
TPI or Net Merit: Which Index is the Most Appropriate for Todays Breeding Industry?

With American genetics being a major driver of Holstein breed progress around the world, their main genetic indexes TPI and Net Merit are widely known and are used extensively in international trade in the Holstein indus...

February 2025
Adolf Langhout: ‘Developing Elite Holsteins Always Begins with an Embryo.’

For more than 35 years, Adolf Langhout has been internationally active in the marketing of elite genetics. His enterprise ALH Genetics is one of the largest importers world-wide of American Holstein embryos. Embryos from...

February 2025
Brand New AI Company Showbox Sires Quickly Gains Global Recognition

The summer of 2023 saw a new AI company emerge: Showbox Sires. Founded by two well-known and passionate Holstein breeders: Tim Abbott and Mike Duckett, assisted by their wives Sharyn and Julie. ‘We are aiming to breed a...

February 2025
Forages: The basis of a diet suitable for ruminants!

The biggest talent of the dairy cow is to take high-fibre forages, which cannot be used for human nutrition, and convert them to high-quality foods like milk and meat. What are forages really? How does one achieve maxima...

February 2025
Unique Holstein Event: The Very First International Online Herd Competition

Vous êtes-vous un jour demandés comment se situe le programme de sélection de votre ferme face aux meilleurs dans le monde entier? Voici une occasion de le découvrir. Holstein International souhaite vous présenter la tou...

January 2025
Single-Step Evaluations:Now Being Implemented in a Growing Number of Countries.

When genomics first arrived 15 years ago, it was impractical to include the genotypes directly into the genetic evaluation model due to the massive size of the data set involved with the Holstein breed. Instead, an appro...

January 2025
Sunshine Genetics in Wisconsin: Exporting Embryos to the World

Sunshine Genetics has a long history as the leading embryo transfer facility in America’s dairy-land of Wisconsin. Established in the 1970s, Sunshine Genetics has made the exporting of embryos a large part of their busin...

January 2025
How the Most Popular Cow in the World was Discovered… ...and Came into the Global Limelight at Mil-R-Mor Farm

Of course she has formidable competition, for example from Dellia, Laurie Sheik, and other female Holstein legends. But: nevertheless, Glenridge Citation Roxy still graciously carries the “Queen of the Breed” title: And...

January 2025
Vote for your Red Holstein World Champion 2024

Another year has gone by and our selection for World Champion of the Red Holstein breed is set to begin. We will present 12 exciting candidates from 8 countries. Enjoy the sight of these impressive show champions choose...

January 2025
Using Selection to Reduce the Incidence of Crampiness

Discovering that a favourite cow has become crampy is a frustration that many breeders have felt. Lactanet in Canada conducted the research to find out the best way to deal with this condition that affects 4.7% of cows.

December 2024
Dr. Matthias Schelling, the new director of Swissgenetics: ‘It is becoming more and more challenging to find enough male animals for selection.’

Having grown in up near Lake Constance, Matthias Schelling (54) has always been a real cow enthusiast. While he is not from a farm himself, already as a youth he preferred spending his free time at the neighbour’s dairy...

December 2024
The Never-Ending Quest for Outcross Genetics: How Important is it?

Genetic gains during the genomic era have more than doubled from earlier times, and we now select for a much more complete array of traits including fertility, health and feed efficiency. However, accompanying these impr...

December 2024
Hoof health: Hoof health: Profitable, ethical and good for animal welfare!

In the German language, the term “foundation” is used for feet and legs. With a house, the foundation gives the construction the required stability to last for a long time. The same is true for a cow, though with a decis...

December 2024
BRS und KuhFacto starten zum 1. Januar eine Medienpartnerschaft

Diese Kooperation ermöglicht es uns und dem BRS, Ihnen regelmäßig und zuverlässig die deutschlandweit relevantesten Zahlen und Fakten vorzustellen, wie etwa die Leistungsstatistiken der Betriebe, die besten Dauerleistung...
