Next year, the American AI company New Generation Genetics (NGG) – specialized in Brown Swiss bulls – will celebrate its 30th anniversary. As such, it is a delight that CEO Brett Haines can report that NGG is enjoying a...
MoreOf course, the Dutch AI company KI Kampen has now become known world-wide due to successful progeny proven sires like Koepon Random and Weinterper Solution. However, in addition to the substantial selection of Holstein a...
MoreThose who read Holstein International from cover to cover each month, likely know her name: Bell-Smart SS Currywebb VG-87. In October 2020, she appeared in Cow Country due to an up-and-coming record production. This year...
MoreShe was the clear choice of the voting public, polling an impressive 22.4% of the total vote. In addition, all three of our official judges placed her in their top-5, giving her first place from our judging panel as well...
MoreLynn Harbaugh and Phillip Topp, the judges of the Holsteins and Red Holsteins respectively, had plenty of splendid candidates from which to choose in each class – the WDE 2023 displayed a high quality in both categories....
MoreShowtime-RC, Rolex, Migos, Legit, Lizzo, Lazer-PP-Red, Allure-PP, Mombassa-PP-Red, Muffin-P-RC, Fallegro-PP-Red. During the past three years, ten sires with the Valiant prefix found their way to the barns of ABS, Semex,...
MoreIn 1999, the couple Marco and Anita Boomaerts left the Netherlands for Aurseulles in Normandy, to begin their own dairy farm. They literally started there from square one. ‘We started with one fresh cow, our first shipme...
MoreThe weather in the summer of 2023 in Austria showed many sides. A lot of rain and almost weekly storms made life difficult for farmers and their harvest. There were only individual nice summer days, and we took the oppor...
MoreNr.1 on the German genomic bull list is Real Syn at 171 gRZG. With that, Real Syn enjoys a long lead over the rest of the field with Nr.2 Rockwell trailing 9 points behind at 162 gRZG. Both bulls are sons of Peak Rover,...
MoreThe Cosmopolitan family has delivered a number of widely respected bulls to the breed, with many featuring solid type and high components. Conway certainly fits that mold. Now ranked at Nr.13 on the daughter-proven TPI c...
More‘Capone enjoyed a very good sales year, and his figures continue to steadily increase,’ tells Jordan Siemers from Select Sires about the Renegade son, who now has more than 200 milking daughters in Canada, and combines m...
MoreHis name Sunburst was inspired by Skalsumer Sunny Boy, CRV’s famous globetrotter from the 1990s. Sunburst and Sunny Boy are both bred out of the Skalsumer Pietje family which has been successful in breeding for more than...
MoreEarlier this year, tremendous applause followed the selection of Comestar Lamadona Doorman EX-94 as Canada’s Cow of the Year. As you know: genetic progress is being made very quickly and thus it is not surprising that he...
MoreThe Vermette family from La Ferme Verjatin Holstein in Quebec milks 35 high-indexing Jerseys. Their 35 Holsteins are also at a high level. This is particularly true of Verjatin Seabiscuit Topgirl VG-86 and her descendant...
MoreWith three available sons, Apina Nadja 143 is one of the most remarkable bull dams in the Netherlands. As such, she is following in the rich bull dam tradition of her cow family. Since moving to the Ubachs herd, Nadja 14...