Zial Holsteins

May 2024

Herd reports

Zial Holsteins: ‘Beautiful Cows Need to be Able to Perform Well for a Long Time.’

The farm owned by the Zilocchi family (father Corrado, besides being a cattle breeder, is also the head classifier at ANAFIBJ) in Pegognaga, not far from the powerful Po River...

Juli 2021


Exclusive: The ultimate update about the herds worldwide with the most EX cows (1)

To breed a Holstein that is distinguished as being EX is an accomplishment to be proud of even in times when Holstein breeding is continually striving towards more commercial goals....

March 2021

Cow Families

The Time has Arrived: Here is the First Preliminary Round of HI’s Cow Family Tournament!

Indeed! The starting shot of HI’s unique tournament of the world’s most influential cow families has been given. Here is the first preliminary round; on the next six pages, you...