World Champion Black and White
May 2024
Erbacres Snapple Shakira: Captures a Second World Title!
Grand Champion World Dairy Expo (US) and Royal Winter Fair (CA). Erbacres Snapple Shakira had excellent cards to win the World Title 2023. While the competition turned out to be...
March 2022
Erbacres Snapple Shakira: Unanimously Selected as World Champion 2021!
More than 50% of the readers’ votes: In 23 editions, this has happened to just four World Champions. This year a new illustrious name can be added to the list...
February 2021
After a showdown, especially with Rose and Hailey: O’Kalibra is the All-Time World Champion!
Just three Holsteins were able to become a World Champion twice in their career: Thrulane James Rose, RF Goldwyn Hailey and Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra. Precisely these three matadors ended up...