
July 2023

Sires Report

BullTalk - July 2023

‘I have seen his Prosperous dam, Bandares grandam, and Damaris great-grandam myself; all three are impressive cows with tremendous udders. All three are still active in the barn of breeder...

July 2023

Herd reports

Sabbiona Holsteins: Italian Source of Excellence for Fifty Years – 452 Homebred EX Cows!

In the location where Ireneo Ciserani started exactly fifty years ago with one cow, today there is a beautiful modern operation with 650 milking cows and 750 head of young...

June 2023


New Generation Genetics: Passionate Stewards of the Brown Swiss Breed

It was the year that Holstein International started, 1994, the same year that a new name in the Brown Swiss world appeared on the scene: New Generation Genetics. That was...

February 2022


The Millionaires of the Holstein Breed: The Milestone Appears to be Getting Further Away!

The “comeback bull”, as he was called. When dairy farmers milked daughters of this bull, they wanted more: And returned to the bull. That’s why there continued to be orders...