
October 2020

Sires Report

Bull Talk - October 2020

With 3842 PFT (based on 212 milking daughters) he holds a strong 2nd position on Italy’s ranking of progeny proven sires. However, despite that high total index, All.Nure Rally scores...

October 2020

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires - October 2020

‘Achiever was the first bull from the Icon Sires program at ABS, and thus continued to be extremely popular with many customers world-wide. The fact that he is the Nr.1...

June 2020

Sires Report

BullTalk - June 2020

Now he has a progeny proven index! Indeed, no less than 609 milking daughters were included in one and the same release in the index of Stantons Chief – the...

May 2020

Sires Report

Adagio-P: Canada’s Highest Proven Polled Bull Ever

Polled Holsteins have been a part of the breed for many years, but have usually been considered something of a novelty. While all breeders can agree that not having to...

December 2019

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires - December 2019

‘Alligator has always been very popular; every dose that he produced, is sold. That happened even before his official index, and his popularity has only grown since his successful daughter...

June 2019

Cow Families

Cow Country - June 2019

The 300-cow Belbrook herd was recently identified in HI as the leading herd in New Zealand for the highest number of excellent cows. However looking closer into the herd, a...