Sires Report

August 2017

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires - Lencomte & Cidre & Henley

Lencome is a “talk of the town” sire in France, combining high index, type and a top-class pedigree. Since the Capital Gain-son became available in May 2016, almost every straw...

August 2017

Sires Report

BullTalk - August 2017

Last month we wrote about the “comeback” of progeny proven sires; in more and more countries, they are able to get closer to the DNA top. This is also the...

August 2017

Sires Report

Presenting the Progeny Proven Sons of Mountfield SSI Mogul

With 2494 TPI, Mogul is still nr.26 in the US. His index is now based on more than 17,000 daughters, with 72% of them on American soil. At the same...

August 2017

Sires Report

Balisto and Topsy: Which One is the Best?

The full brothers Topsy and Balisto now sit at Nr.12 and Nr.19 on the daughter-proven TPI top-100 in the US. However, Topsy had no sons sampled in AI while his...

July 2017

Sires Report

Leadman Celebrated During his Life Already as a Holstein Legend

‘Nothing is worse than waking up to an ugly cow.’ Those were the words of Jack Miller in 1991, when he shared his breeding goals. Why did Miller become world...