
February 2025


TPI or Net Merit: Which Index is the Most Appropriate for Todays Breeding Industry?

With American genetics being a major driver of Holstein breed progress around the world, their main genetic indexes TPI and Net Merit are widely known and are used extensively in...

Juni 2021

Cow Families

Here is the Grand Finale of HI's Cow Family Tournament

In HI’s March 2021 issue, you found preliminary round one: 50 impressive cow families from various continents. This presentation was followed in the April edition by preliminary round two, again...

April 2021

Cow Families

The sequel: Here is the Second Preliminary Round of HI’s Cow Family Tournament!

In our recent March issue, HI’s tournament of the world’s most influential cow families commenced with preliminary round 1, in which 50 promising cow families from continents other than North...

February 2021

Sires Report

Bull Talk - February 2021

Born in the US, housed in Canada, owned by a Spanish AI company. That is true of the young bull Siemers CD Pairing 31607. Sire analyst Juan Carlos Conde explains...

January 2021

Sires Report

Bull Talk - January 2021

He has not yet appeared on HI’s cover as a mature bull… but now it seems like the right moment. Seagull-Bay Silver is no longer alive, but: he is the...

July 2020

Sires Report

Rising to Legendary Heights: Mogul & Supersire Together Surpass 2.5 Million Doses and 16% Influence

Recently, on June 22, Mountfield Mogul turned ten years old. In five months, on December 28, Seagull-Bay Supersire hopes to turn ten. The barn mates – owned by Select Sires...

May 2020

Sires Report

BullTalk - May 2020

They reign in Italy. Sire Mirabell Sound System is Nr.1 on the progeny proven list, while his grandson Zani Inseme Stradivari is Nr.1 on the DNA-tested list. As such, Sound...

June 2018

Cow Families

Mirna: Life in the Shadows of her Famous Sister Mirror

The US cow Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror is one of the legendary brood cows of the breed: Dam of Robust and foundation behind such bulls as Jedi and Biggie. A more...

October 2017

Sires Report

Silver Pleases with Strong Daughter-Proven Debut

The wait is finally over! Seagull-Bay Silver, the former gTPI headliner, has made his greatly anticipated daughter-proven debut. How did he fare? Find out here!