BullTalk - February 2025
High in the German progeny proven RZG ranking we find a new favourite: Koepon Camden-RC. ‘An allrounder with high longevity, suitable for heifers, perfect rumps, mortellaro resistance, very good persistency,...
Unique HI Overview: These are the 92 Most Sold Holstein Sires at AI Companies Worldwide
Who were the most sold Holstein sires in 2021? The answer follows here, in a unique overview with 92 bestsellers from 38 breeding organizations in thirteen different countries. As well...
From An American Dairyman: Suggestions for Sire Selection
An American Dairyman continues his series of contributions for Holstein International and now brings some interesting suggestions for sire selection. He also adds some actual sire names to his suggestions...
Intriguing Sires DP - November 2021
The Halo family from Cookiecutter recently attained a splendid top-10 ranking in HI’s Cow Family Tournament. Partly because of the large number of strong scoring bulls that this successful branch...