Cavanaleck in Canada: We now Put More Emphasis on Front Legs than any of the Rear Leg Traits
The Thompson family’s Cavanaleck Holsteins have long been a fixture on the Holstein scene in Western Ontario. The three-time Master Breeder herd continues to be a force in modern Holstein...
Herds Worldwide - November 2024
Farming in southern Wisconsin has its challenges – land prices are high and the weather is sometimes extreme, from -28°C in the winter to 43°C in the summer. ‘Sometimes the...
Character Dairy Genetics in Canada: Homebase for Progenesis
Enthusiasts throughout the Holstein world would be familiar with the name Progenesis, the prefix of the Semex internal bull development program. Character Holsteins at Mildmay, Ontario, is where it all...
Cow Country - August 2024
KHE-Indiana VG-87 was up for sale as a heifer at the Thringia Auction Time in 2014. At the time, she was the highest Enforcer daughter with 166 RZG and was...
Claynook Farms: Modern Holstein Enterprise with 35% of Income from Breeding
With Claynook Zeebah Letchworth in the Nr.1 position for young females and Ranger son Claynook Zard-RC in second place on the sire list, Claynook Farms in Ontario is drawing a...
Stanton Farms: ‘We Want to Offer Genetic Solutions to our Customers.’
It is less than three years ago (HI 8/2021) that we provided extensive coverage of the unprecedented breeding achievements of Stanton Farms in the Canadian Ilderton. Or actually we should...
Logic-PP & Leyhigh-PP: Representatives of Thriving Drewholme L Family
With the purchase of a Gibson daughter out of Idee Lustre, Andrew Martin, who was young at the time, laid the foundation for all the exceptional breeding success that is...
Tony van Lith (Valiant Dairy Genetics): ‘I See Breeding as an Art Form.’
Showtime-RC, Rolex, Migos, Legit, Lizzo, Lazer-PP-Red, Allure-PP, Mombassa-PP-Red, Muffin-P-RC, Fallegro-PP-Red. During the past three years, ten sires with the Valiant prefix found their way to the barns of ABS, Semex,...
Cow Country - May 2023
Stanton Farms in Ontario has already provided several elite LPI cows. But the achievements of Stantons Bighit Melody-P VG-85 are unprecedented. Her daughter Stantons Margaret is Canada’s Nr.1 for gLPI...
Cow Country II - May 2023
The state of Victoria is the heartland of the Australian dairy industry. In the north of the state at Bamawm is Mitch Holsteins, the 300-cow herd owned by Brent &...
Prominent name from the Holstein industry is preparing for the future: Next Generation at Browndale
With its shiny new state-of-the-art dairy barn complete with sand-bedded free-stalls for the 100-cow herd, 2 milking robots, an on-farm produce store, elevated viewing area and function rooms, Browndale is...
Cow Country - April 2023
In February 2023, HI presented 22 EX daughters of the Roxy descendant Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94. Remarkable: an unmentioned VG-85 Doorman out of Locket has likely provided the most valuable...