Early-Autumn Golden Rae: The High Indexing Branch of the Roxy’s
The Nr.1 indexing female in the breed comes from the family of Golden Rae. The Golden Rae’s have grown to a position of prominence in well-known herds such as Morningview,...
The sequel: Here is the Second Preliminary Round of HI’s Cow Family Tournament!
In our recent March issue, HI’s tournament of the world’s most influential cow families commenced with preliminary round 1, in which 50 promising cow families from continents other than North...
BullTalk - December 2019
‘At Global AG Alliance, we believe that we have won the “jackpot” with this sire.’ Speaking is Wout van der Goot about the nr.1 bull on Global’s NM line-up: Pine-Tree...
Focus on.. Red, Milk & Type
He supplies the type, the udders and the width & depth to the body many Red-Holstein breeders are looking for. In addition he improves the components at good milk production...
Bull Talk - August 2019
We already wrote about it: Salvatore continues to be a high calibre sire of sons and is still delivering remarkable sons. New in his top-5 of the very best sons...
Influential Kingboy Sons: High Indexes and Outstanding Type
A high PTAT (America’s index for type) traditionally generates a lot of attention. This is underscored by the American Kingboy. From the outset, breeders and commercial dairy farmers have embraced...
Converse Judy: Globally Renowned for Fitness Traits and Udders
Morningview Converse Judy EX-93 contributed a lot to putting the Morningview herd from Iowa on the international Holstein map. Key bulls from this family around the globe include the Canadian...