(Virtually) Faultless Transmitters: Selected for You by Nearly All AI Companies World-wide
What is the value of a top bull with 3200 TPI if he transmits very short teats? What are the options for a sky high RZG sire if the stature...
Calbrett Miranda-P-RC: The first polled cow on the Global Cow throne
That the selection of the Global Cow 2021 would be one of the most suspenseful decisions in the history of this competition was to be expected, given the strong and...
Oakfield Solomon Footloose The World Champion 2022
For 25 years, HI has been conducting the vote for the World Champion, but was there ever as hotly contested a dual as this year? The head-to-head battle between the...
Van de Plashoeve: Source of Dutch Blue for Beef-on-Dairy
With 45 active AI sires at thirteen different breeding companies in their homeland and abroad, Morsink Dutch Blue is a significant source for the Beef-on-Dairy sector. For more than twenty...
Why Production and Fertility can be Found Together more often, and Genetics are Becoming ever More Important!
Since the introduction of the fertility breeding values in the early 2000s, a trend has been recognizable in Holstein breeding that even today is unknown to many dairy farmers: an...
Winners of the Global Dairy Youth Challenge William Neale & Marieke Albring
In December, HI presented the eight Global Dairy Youth Challenge finalists. All eight received a lot of votes. The winner of the under 18 category: William Neale from Great Britain,...
The Global Cow Winner for 2022 is… Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal
She was the clear choice for number one by the voting public, Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal. And both the official judges included her in their placings too, with the combined points...
Why Don’t we Have Greater Uniformity Among Fitness Traits Around the World?
Productive Life, Herd Life, Lifespan, Survival – it seems almost every country uses a different name. Who knew there were so many ways to refer to longevity; and that’s just...
Jürg and Alexander Hofmann (Hokovit) ‘Only the smart ones buy from us!’
For decades, the Swiss company Hofmann Nutrition AG, under the brand name Hokovit, has been an esteemed name in the European feed industry. Hokovit, which is primarily known for its...
The Value of Looking at the Actual Production Averages for Daughters of Bulls
Daughter production records – after adjustment for all the factors that might bias that data – are used to generate the genetic evaluation a bull receives. A reader of Holstein...
Diergezondheid Op Topniveau Met Drinkwater- En Klauwdesinfectie
De aanwezigheid van algen en bacteriën in het drinkwater voor hun koeien was Jan Poppe en zijn dochter Julia lange tijd een doorn in het oog. De melkveehouders uit Zwolle...
No Production Records and No Classification on Bull Dams?
Holstein International readers regularly contact us with requests or observations. Below is a request for us to look at the topic of missing performance data on bull dams, a comment...