Léa Poncet
BullTalk - June 2023
‘It all started with the purchase of four Bolton embryos out of the American cow Sandy-Valley Gar Truffle EX-92, a daughter of the icon Ricecrest Terry Tory EX-93. Three heifer...
Intriguing Sires Red - March 2023
With a gISU of 231, Suribay-P has been headlining the list of polled sires in France for two genetic evaluation periods. It is primarily the functional traits that bring him...
BullTalk - March 2023
He is the brand new Nr.2 of Italy (4838 gPFT) and his first semen is in the tank. That is good news, because demand is already high. ‘A lot of...
Hoof health deserves a higher weighting
Before reading this article, think about your feet for a moment! How many kilometres have they already travelled today? How many more kilometres will they cover before the end of...
BullTalk - September 2022
Cows with a slick hide (shorter and smoother hair) are able to better cope with high temperatures (see also page 7). For this reason, the number of sires with the...
Focus On... March 2022
After we presented several interesting RC newcomers in our February issue, we would now like to take a look at some special talents from the homozygous polled segment. We will...
Roc Happy Put Ferme de la Roche on the International Map
‘I certainly did not want to use O-Man. Outstanding for fitness, to be sure, but too modest for conformation.’ That was the opinion of Philippe Guibert. Until he could purchase...
Bull Talk - December 2021
‘He is very popular due to his high components, A2A2, unique aAa (516), average stature, low somatic cell, high udder index and plus for DPR,’ explains general manager Ron Sersland...