June 2023
Select Sires/WWS: Creating the Most Profitable Jersey Cow that the Breed will Need Five to Ten Years from Now
‘JPI is a total index that is receiving a lot of attention, as is CM$. Both indexes help the breed by providing direction, and we look at both when making...
June 2023
Bosgoed in the Netherlands: Three Decades of Consistent Crossbreeding with Holstein-Jersey-Brown Swiss
Brown Swiss, Jersey, Fleckvieh, Montbéliarde; the use of “Dairy Breeds” on Holsteins is taking place in a variety of forms in the Netherlands. The Bosgoed family in Denekamp, close to...
November 2022
Bosgoed: Holstein, Jersey & Brown Swiss
This splendid, colourful photograph in the eastern Netherlands was taken by Han Hopman of dam Bosgoed Gre 241 and her son Bosgoed Black Pete (<Aurora Jeroen; Holstein). So far, the...