Holstein herdbook Holstein USA.

February 2025


TPI or Net Merit: Which Index is the Most Appropriate for Todays Breeding Industry?

With American genetics being a major driver of Holstein breed progress around the world, their main genetic indexes TPI and Net Merit are widely known and are used extensively in...

November 2024


Holstein Marketplace Sires: Providing an Option for Breeders to Control Their Own Destiny

The US Holstein Association established it’s Marketplace Sires program in January 2019. The program now offers an exciting range of breeder-owned sires, adding some intriguing options to the semen market.

July 2023

Herd reports

The Ambition at OCD: ‘Breeding an Elite Conformation Sire That is Also Very Suitable for Commercial Herds.’

The prefix is one of the best known in modern Holstein breeding: OCD. It is the source of one of the most influential Holstein cows in recent times (Miss OCD...