Herd reports
Eilmans - The Little-known Home of one of the Strongest Herds in Germany
No, Clemens Eilmans is not a star of the scene. He is not a celebrated exhibitor at shows, not a successful seller at one of the many top-auctions and not...
Big Holsteins: Popular Sires from Prominent Production Herd
Exactly 10 years ago, HI published a farm report about Big Holsteins. At the time, the herd owned by the Knoef family had provided thirty 100,000 kg cows. One decade...
Simlahill: Northern Ireland’s Leading Type Herd
Although they share the same island, the “Republic of Ireland” and “Northern Ireland” are separate countries. Northern Ireland links with England, Scotland and Wales to form the “UK”. There are...
Star-Summit in Michigan: Emphasizing Great Cow Families and High Type
For more than 100 years, the Baker family has been farming at Star-Summit, a property located on the highest point of Kent County in south-western Michigan. On a clear day...
Siemers Holsteins: Annually 75-100 Cows Surpassing 220,000lb/100,000kg
Undoubtedly you read about it in HI’s July issue: at Siemers Holsteins in Wisconsin, no less than 390 cows have passed the milestone of 100,000kg milk (220,462lb). As such, Siemers...
Monument Farms – Much More than just the Story behind Monument Impression
Do you know the story behind the semen millionaire Roylane Jordan? Or that of the genomic superstar Roylane Socra Robust? Or the story behind the extremely intensively used outcross sire...
Ptit Coeur in Switzerland - A Very Different Story than you would Expect
With the name Ptit Coeur, you likely think of the magnificent Red Holstein cow Kalinka: Tremendous in the show ring, but also tremendous for longevity. Or of the victory of...
Brabantdale: A Family-Run Farm with an Intense Strategy
The Nooyen family’s stringent breeding strategy has elevated their herd to a breed-leading level. Reason why their accomplishments and statistics are extremely impressive. Find out what exciting plans are in...
Green Meadow: Focusing on 100% Purebred Holsteins and Proven Cows
That attention to the individual and personalized matings can coexist well with a large herd is clearly affirmed by Green Meadow Farms in Michigan. On the farm where management, nutrition...
Liddleholme in New York: Where it’s all About Cow Families
Beautiful cows with beautiful pedigrees: That’s what you will find in the Liddleholme barn in New York. There’s a sense of discovery as you wait to hear which of the...
Loh-An Holsteins – One of the Most Extraordinary Herds in Germany
To be honest, this report is long overdue. However, we now have the perfect reason to present Loh-An Holsteins to you, which is Loh Lilli Brax, the newly crowned German...
Dueholm: Family Farm with Passion for International Marketing and High Production
Dueholm, the family farm of Martin and Ann Rasmussen in the northern Danish Skive, has developed since 2004 into the home of international cow families. Unabated, they continually invest in...