Genes Diffusion
Intriguing Sires - Checkmate & Jeiraki & Nautic
For the leading group of young DNA sires, Checkmate always came just a few RZG points short, but in the end, according to Ingo Schnoor from RSH, this had no...
BullTalk - April 2019
He is the highest available type transmitter of France: no less than +4.7! Plus… in the area of fitness, he is nearly faultless. Add to that his slightly positive figures...
Intriguing Sires - Mayflower & Ilvolo & Baldur
Mayflower is a high-production Snowman son, now with +2591 of milk, -.14% fat and +.00% protein along with 0.93 type. His dam, Roylane Socra Mira EX-91, is the full sister...
First the Daughters, now the Sons – Yoder’s Impressive Balance as Sire of Sons
To find an answer as to which sons of the exceptional Mogul are having the largest influence on the breed is not an easy task. Many of them convince with...
Do you still recognize this Mountain son?
He looks at you sternly. Maintains a steady gaze. Yes, indeed, so it was when Han Hopman photographed this bull 18 years ago. Because Jesther – that is who we...
Frist PJP: The Great Type Bull of France
Once in a while a true outlier comes along who defies the odds and remains at the top of the list for an extended period of time. When it comes...
BullTalk - January 2019
He is now more than 6 years old but continues to work hard. ‘He is still the most sold bull at Select,’ says Jeff Ziegler from owner Select Sires. ‘Bacon-Hill...
BullTalk - November 2018
He is one of the top-5 highest gTPI Red Holstein bulls and is widely available: Rhala-Re Blues-Red. Good for 2664 gTPI, owned by AI Total, a son of Salvatore (see...
Intriguing Sires - Luster-P & Nagano-P & Marsden-P
‘Even though it is still early in his career, Luster has rapidly risen to become one of the most popular polled sires in our program,’ says Rick VerBeek from Select...
BullTalk - March 2018
It is not surprising that the influence of the milky Bacon-Hill Montross continues to increase. Elsewhere on this page we highlight his Italian son VanHalen, but his American son Cookiecutter...
Intriguing Sires - February 2018
Usually in today’s genomic world, as a female ages the attention of her breeding potential is refocussed to the next generation. Luckily for Canada’s new Nr.1 Biggie, the attention on...
BullTalk - November 2017
Germany’s highest indexing Holstein calf – no less than 169 gRZM – is owned by the Giesmann family and is a daughter of the cow Balisto Jolene and the sire...