Gaec du Terril: Using the Right Bulls for Optimal Genetics on their Organic Farm
Suddenly he appeared: Oxterril. With +218 gISU (index release 4/2019) one of the very highest in the French index round. With a relatively unknown sire (Surgeon, more about him later)...
The family behind GAH Olga des Grilles, Europe’s record seller!
Tuesday February 26, 2019 was a historical day in France. Indeed, a very special heifer was sold during the Paris Dairy Sale at Simagena and registered a new European record...
Bull Talk - July 2019
Salvatore dominates for the red & white sire of sons, but in his wake we find Endco Apprentice RC, a Kingboy son of Blondin-TJR Supersire Aroma VG-85. Apprentice is not...
Cow Country - July 2019
With 2111 TPI, Niclo O-Man Debbie VG-87 (born 2004) is one of the very highest American index cows from her birth year. The O-Man owned by the Nichols and Longshore...
Intriguing Sires - Checkmate & Jeiraki & Nautic
For the leading group of young DNA sires, Checkmate always came just a few RZG points short, but in the end, according to Ingo Schnoor from RSH, this had no...
In France, Anticipation is Mounting Quickly… Will Louxor Make True on his Tremendous Promises?
‘He is the undisputed French leader at an unparalleled level – never before has a bull reached this high.’ This is what HI wrote in late 2016 about the new...
The Bresilienne family: in the spotlight thanks to Norman
For months, Frist PJP was the master of French conformation proofs before to be dethroned by a new sire: Norman EFP. This bull, who received his first proof in December...
BullTalk - May 2019
What a perfectly chosen name! His DNA index of 2010 (2098 gTPI) is virtually exactly the same as his progeny proven index today: 2060 TPI. And now based on 16,698...
Intriguing Sires - Mayflower & Ilvolo & Baldur
Mayflower is a high-production Snowman son, now with +2591 of milk, -.14% fat and +.00% protein along with 0.93 type. His dam, Roylane Socra Mira EX-91, is the full sister...
BullTalk - April 2019
He is the highest available type transmitter of France: no less than +4.7! Plus… in the area of fitness, he is nearly faultless. Add to that his slightly positive figures...
Louxor Reigns Supreme in France
Many bulls can be labelled as all-round: good production, solid type and positive fitness. Louxor, since April 2016 France’s Nr.1 for almost two years, gives the description all-round a whole...
Intriguing Sires - Fullmarks & Nantais & Gigabyte
Sandy-Valley Eternity is without doubt a female breed phenomenon, that will sustainably leave her marks in the population. This attractive VG-88 (2yr) Rubicon, a great granddaughter of the not less...