July 2023

Misc Breeds

Intruiging Sires 3 DNA - July 2023

Barros is the flagship bull of Italy’s Polar program. He was bred at Kibafarm, owned by brothers Gianpietro and Paolo Barre and located in the province of Sondrio. The herd...

July 2023

Misc Breeds

Intruiging Sires 2 DNA - July 2023

Poe is a bigtime production bull with somewhat different bloodlines transmitting moderate frame size and reduced stature. Bred by Brett Danyow of Ferrisburgh, VT, and Peak Genetics, he was purchased...

June 2023


Heat Stress: The Modern Dairy Cow is less Heat Tolerant Than in the Past

Every summer, heat stress leads to lost milk production and supressed fertility rates in the modern dairy cow. Selection for more heat tolerant animals, incorporating the slick gene, providing housing...

June 2023

Cow Families

Glengarry Alexis: Going from Strength to Strength

A short generation interval has helped to keep this Canadian cow family current, not just from a production standpoint but also for solid, functional type. With a history of over...

June 2023


New Generation Genetics: Passionate Stewards of the Brown Swiss Breed

It was the year that Holstein International started, 1994, the same year that a new name in the Brown Swiss world appeared on the scene: New Generation Genetics. That was...

June 2023


Recumbency: Calves that Can’t Stand Up

The latest genetic disorder to be identified in the Holstein breed involves calves that appear normal but can’t stand up. It has taken researchers more than a year to unravel...

May 2023

Cow Families

Wabash-Way Emilyann: Now Ranked as Canada’s Nr.7 Brood-Cow All-Time

At 47 stars, Emilyann is now Canada’s 7th ranked brood cow of all-time. Of course, Shottle daughters have become super brood cows all over the world but Emilyann had the...

May 2023

Cow Families

Cow Country II - May 2023

The state of Victoria is the heartland of the Australian dairy industry. In the north of the state at Bamawm is Mitch Holsteins, the 300-cow herd owned by Brent &...

May 2023

Herd reports

Golden-Oaks: The embryo market hasreally picked up again

Golden-Oaks has been an important name in Holstein breeding for generations. Located in an urban setting close to Chicago, Golden-Oaks has been a successful dairy operation and breeder of elite...

April 2023


Do Grazing Conditions Require a Different Type of Cow?

Holsteins have become the universal dairy cow and dominate in most major dairy countries. However, it may not be a “one size fits all” situation. The interaction of genetics with...

April 2023

Cow Families

Cow Country II - April 2023

Grand Champion at the Estevanens Show in Switzerland last fall was Londaly Armani Lovely-Red EX-94. Earlier in her career Lovely had been Intermediate Champion at the Swiss Expo 2017 and...

April 2023

Cow Families

The “Golden Cross” Monterey Daughters of Global Cow Winner Hanker

There have been a number of recognized “Golden Crosses” in the breeding world…in this cow family it was Monterey over Cookiecutter Mogul Hanker and then King Doc over the Monterey’s....