Cow Country III - February 2023
The full brothers MB Luckylady Bullseye (+857lb milk, 3.31 gPTAT, 2523 gTPI, at Semex; 08/2022) and Eye Candy (+301lb milk, 3.28 gPTAT, 2552 gTPI, at Select) are two of the...
Why Don’t we Have Greater Uniformity Among Fitness Traits Around the World?
Productive Life, Herd Life, Lifespan, Survival – it seems almost every country uses a different name. Who knew there were so many ways to refer to longevity; and that’s just...
Get Familiar with the Herd Karnview: You are Going to Hear Much More from Them!
The year 2022 saw the Karnview herd gain considerable prominence in Holstein circles. A successful sale in the spring was followed by a stellar show season. Exhibiting at the World...
The Global Cow Winner for 2022 is… Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal
She was the clear choice for number one by the voting public, Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal. And both the official judges included her in their placings too, with the combined points...
Intriguing Sires DNA - February 2023
Rubble should sire medium sized cows with well-attached, high-quality udders, high components and trouble-free performance. This Conway son traces back to the Sandy-Valley Sapphire family that produced such bulls as...
The Value of Looking at the Actual Production Averages for Daughters of Bulls
Daughter production records – after adjustment for all the factors that might bias that data – are used to generate the genetic evaluation a bull receives. A reader of Holstein...
Paris: Super Brood Cow with 25 Sons in AI
Over the last two years, Siemers Parfect has become one of the best known young genomic bulls in the industry and has many well-balanced, high indexing offspring to prove it....
Cow Country II - January 2023
Eclipse Altitude Princess-Red was first Junior-2 and Intermediate Champion of the Holstein Show at Australia’s International DairyWeek 2022, as well as Intermediate and Grand Champion Red Holstein. ‘I’ve always liked...
Unstopabull: The Sire of Champions
There are many high type bulls that make a lot of nice cows without ever producing a true champion: Unstopabull is not one of those! Although his proof of 2573...
Habitan Stellar Transmitter of Type and Production
In this fast paced world of modern genomic breeding it is amazing just how much influence one cow can create in just 5 years. The combination of prolific embryo production...
No Production Records and No Classification on Bull Dams?
Holstein International readers regularly contact us with requests or observations. Below is a request for us to look at the topic of missing performance data on bull dams, a comment...
Corn: Sowing the Seed of Success
One of the prime sources of forage for dairy cows around the globe is corn (maize), providing both high fibre and energy for the diet. One of corn’s many advantages...