Lydia and her Daughter Lustre have Created one of the Great Type Families of the Breed
Lydia is the fountainhead behind a family that produced 3 Canadian Royal Grand Champions: This is clearly one of the most consistent type transmitting families of the breed. And now...
Synetics: Inra95 & Angus Most Popular
‘Beef-on-Dairy (BoD) is a significant aspect of dairy farming, virtually world-wide. Especially in Germany, we see varying expectations from customers; at minimum, they want easy births, and a high price...
Successful Beef-on-Dairy: Powered by Angus
Angus or Angus based composite sires are now a major force in the beef-on-dairy revolution that has swept through the dairy industry around the world. Here we talk with specialists...
Genetic Base Change: Updating the Standard to Reflect the Current Breed Population
An animal’s genetic evaluation indicates how its genetics compare to other animals in the breed. Different countries use different approaches when determining which animals should be in that base group...
Focus on... March 2025
‘McDonald-P-Red is definitely a star in mastitis resistance, very much like his sire Ronald,’ comments Kevin Jorgensen from Select Sires. ‘It likely comes from Ronald’s granddam who was a Numero...
Belgian Blue: A Major Player in the Beef-On-Dairy Market
With its explosive early muscle development, the Belgian Blue has become the most popular beef breed for use over dairy cows in Europe. Here we look at the development of...
TPI or Net Merit: Which Index is the Most Appropriate for Todays Breeding Industry?
With American genetics being a major driver of Holstein breed progress around the world, their main genetic indexes TPI and Net Merit are widely known and are used extensively in...
Clydevale Holsteins in Australia: Golden Anniversary!
On the 21st of May, Clydevale Holsteins at Macorna North, in northern Victoria, will hold their Golden Anniversary Sale to celebrate 50 years of breeding Holsteins. Their cow Clydevale Doc...
Focus On... Febuary 2025
At Genes Diffusion in France, DKR Badboy (207 ISU) is a popular protein improver (1551 milk +.40% +.19%). Badboy’s US numbers show 1629lb milk +.15% +.06% with 2.60 PTAT. Sired...
Intriguing Sires DP - February 2025
Medium sized, efficient, high-producing cows with good fertility: That’s what makes August an attractive option for the average dairy farm. Sired by Pine-Tree Acura (<Achiever), August is from the very...
Unique Holstein Event: The Very First International Online Herd Competition
Vous êtes-vous un jour demandés comment se situe le programme de sélection de votre ferme face aux meilleurs dans le monde entier? Voici une occasion de le découvrir. Holstein International...
Cow Country - January 2025
Normandy, in the central west of France, is home to Gaec de la Chapelle, where Piet and Christina Bakker milk a herd of 75 cows. That’s where we pictured one...