January 2024

Sires Report

Focus on... January 2024

High somatic cell counts and mastitis are costly on dairy farms: A reason for many farmers to have them play a role in sire selection. Therefore, a focus this time...

December 2023

Sires Report

Focus on... December 2023

Good conformation continues to be an important item with sire selection for many farmers; preferably in combination with sufficient production and positive daughter fertility. Here are three credible options.

December 2023

Herd reports

Brenland Holsteins: Birth Barn of Conformation Specialist Brenland Denver

For years, Brenland Denver has been the most sold bull at St.Jacobs/ABC and subsequently signed for various championships at shows world-wide. For Denver’s breeder Brad Brenneman, this meant a dream...

December 2023


Choose your Red Holstein World Champion 2023

No, not on a poster this time… but, the number of candidates has increased! For the selection of the Red Holstein World Champion 2023, no less than eighteen beautiful candidates...

November 2023

Herd reports

Nordera in Italy: Balance in Breeding and Management ‘Holstein Genetics Are Moving Faster than We Are.’

No, Luca Nordera does not strive for the highest possible genetic progress. For him, uniformity, productivity, health, and longevity are among his top priorities. Besides breeding, a prominent role is...

November 2023

Sires Report

Focus On... November 2023

HI’s editorial in September discussed balance, inspired by responses that we as HI’s editorial staff often receive in the field. In connection with this, here you find three sires that...

November 2023


Abundant Quality at the Holstein and Red Holstein Shows: Shakira & Lilly-Red, Radiant Queens in Madison

Lynn Harbaugh and Phillip Topp, the judges of the Holsteins and Red Holsteins respectively, had plenty of splendid candidates from which to choose in each class – the WDE 2023...

October 2023

Herd reports

Tony van Lith (Valiant Dairy Genetics): ‘I See Breeding as an Art Form.’

Showtime-RC, Rolex, Migos, Legit, Lizzo, Lazer-PP-Red, Allure-PP, Mombassa-PP-Red, Muffin-P-RC, Fallegro-PP-Red. During the past three years, ten sires with the Valiant prefix found their way to the barns of ABS, Semex,...

September 2023

Herd reports

Spectacular Developments in the German Lösing Herd: More than 50% Production Increase in Five Years!

At the beginning of 2018, Bernd Lösing’s Holsteins in the German Vreden produced 30.4 kg/67.0 lb per day and 10,200 kg/22,490 lb annually: A nice average, above the national average....

August 2023

Herd reports

Huddlestone Farm ‘Minimally One Standard Deviation Between Stature and Chest Width.’

‘Many people look at the linear profile of sires for individual traits, while it is actually about the balance between traits....’ Keith Gue enjoys talking openly about current breeding themes...

August 2023

Cow Families

Cow Country - August 2023

She has an absolutely stunning appearance: Priestland 6877 Master James Rose VG-88, one of the five classified daughters of Golden-Oaks Master at Priestland Holsteins in Northern Ireland. Just as her...

July 2023

Cow Families

Danish Amber-PP-Red: Generous Source of High and Complete Red & White Polled Genetics

During the recent April round, 3Star-Tirsvad Ambo-P-Red debuted in second place on the Canadian red & white list, while his full brother Ranking-P-Red appeared with high conformation in the German...