Beef-on-Dairy International

April 2023

Genes Diffusion

Gènes Diffusion: The Best Beef-on-Dairy Guarantees

The French breeding organization Gènes Diffusion, working with the breed Charolais among others, has several decades of experience with beef-on-dairy. ‘As soon as farmers in our region switched to Holsteins,...

April 2023


Interesting: Piedmontese!

Well known: Angus and Belgian-Blue are among the big names in the beef-on-dairy business. But those looking for an interesting and proven alternative will find a good candidate in the...

April 2023


Enormous growth for BBG

HI has already reported various times about the Belgian Blue Group (BBG) and that is not surprising: the organization has a large offering of >200 sires and is active in...

April 2023

Beef on dairy

STg: Elite Testing Program for Optimal Use of Beef-on-Dairy

The name says it all: ST stands for Sexing Technologies. This organization is one of the important pioneers in the area of sexing semen. Thanks to this technology, dairy farmers...

April 2023

Beef on dairy

Early Beef-on-Dairy Start in the US

‘Beef-on-Dairy started a long time ago here. As soon as sexed semen was introduced, progressive dairy farmers started with beef-on-dairy. Four years ago that accelerated when calf growers started paying...

April 2023


Semex: ‘A Win-Win Situation for All of our Customers.’

Very recently (HI 03/2023), an HI article appeared about the beef-on-dairy program at Semex. At the same time, on the cover of this Beef-on-Dairy International section you see a popular...

April 2023

Beef on dairy

Synetics: One of the biggest, and certainly one of the most diverse BOD lineups

With over eight million doses of semen sold, of which three million went to the international market, the German-French breeding program of Synetics counts as one of the biggest players...